How do I make an appointment at Salud?
Call contact center 303-697-2583 (Hours) Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm [OR]
Schedule through the PATIENT PORTAL​
Emergency(?) call 911 immediately​
How do I cancel an appointment?
Call Salud at (303) 697-2583 and a Contact Center Representative will help you cancel and reschedule. [OR]
You can request a different appointment time through your PATIENT PORTAL.
Please be mindful of Salud's CANCELLATION POLICY.​ Appointments are considered to be missed or late when:
You do not attend your scheduled appointment
You do not call to cancel your appointment by 4:00pm the day prior to your appointment
You are more than 15 minutes late for your scheduled appointment​
How do I become a patient at Salud?
Visit the PATIENTS page for instructions.
How do I refill a prescription?​
Call the pharmacy at (720) 322-9445 (we recommend allowing 5 days to refill your prescription in time for pick up) or visit the PATIENT PORTAL.​
Please note:
The pharmacy will call to confirm pickup and payment of medication.
All medications need to be picked up within 5 days of confirmation. ​
Visit the PHARMACY page to view pharmacy locations and pick-up information.
How do I pay for services?
Visit the HEALTH COVERAGE page to learn about our accepted insurances and payment options.
How do I contact my provider?
Call our Contact Center at (303) 697-2583. Contact Centers Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm [OR]
Does Salud treat chronic pain and prescribe narcotics?
Salud is a full spectrum primary care provider, not a chronic pain clinic. Our providers can help you with non-narcotic treatment of your chronic pain. If you need chronic opioid narcotics to treat your chronic pain, we will be happy to get you a referral to a more specialized chronic pain clinic.
Who do I call with a Billing question?
Call (833) 537-2583 if you have questions about your bill.
How do I access my Medical Records?​
How do I get care when the clinic is closed?
Call (303) 697-2583 for the After-Hours Nurse Line
This line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you have an emergency, call 911 immediately.